Hazard Class 2 – Gases
Division 2.1 – Flammable gases
A material that is a gas at 20° C or below and 101.3 kPa of pressure (ambient temperature and pressure), i.e. the material has a boiling point of 20° C at sea level and:
- Is ignitable when in a mixture of 13 percent or less by volume with air.
- Or has a flammability range with air of at least 12% regardless of the lower limit.
Source: 49 CFR §173.115, 49 CFR §173.116
Division 2.2 – Non-toxic, non-flammable gases
Non-Flammable/Non-Poisonous Compressed Gas - A material or mixture that exerts in the packaging an absolute pressure of 280 kPa (40.6 psi) or greater at 20° C and does not meet the definition of Division 2.1 or 2.3. This includes compressed gas, liquefied gas, pressurized cryogenic gas, comporessed gas in solution, asphyxiant gas and oxidizing gas.
Source: 49 CFR §173.115, 49 CFR §173.116
Division 2.3 – Poisonous gas
Gas Poisonous by Inhalation - A material that is a gas at 20° C or below and 101.3 kPa of pressure (ambient temperature and pressure), i.e. the material has a boiling point of 20° C at sea level and:
LC50 is the concentration that will cause death to 50% of a sample population of laboratory animals under specified conditions.
- Is known to be so toxic to humans as to pose a hazard during transportation
- Or in the absence of adequate data on human toxicity, is presumed to be toxic to humans because when tested on laboratory animals it has an LC50 value of = 5,000 ml/m3
LC50 is the concentration that will cause death to 50% of a sample population of laboratory animals under specified conditions.
Source: 49 CFR §173.115, 49 CFR §173.116