Hazard Class 6 – Poisonous / Toxic Substances
Division 6.1 – Poisonous Material
Poisonous or Toxic Materials are materials, other than a gas, known to be so toxic to humans as to pose a health hazard during transportation, or which, in the absence of adequate human toxicity data:
- Is presumed to be toxic to humans because it is within one of the following when tested on lab animals:
- Oral toxicity: a material with an LD50 of =300 mg/kg.
- Dermal toxicity: a material with an LD50 of =1000 mg/kg
- Inhalation toxicity: a dust or mist with an LC50 for acute toxicity on inhalation of =4.0 mg/L; or a material with a saturated vapor conc. in air at 20°C of more than 1/5 of the LC50 for acute toxicity on inhalation of vapors and with an LC50 for acute toxicity on inhalation of vapors of < 5000 mL/m3
- Is a material with properties similar to tear gas that causes extreme irritation, especially in confined spaces.
Source: 49 CFR §173.132, 49 CFR §173.133