×Note:Special provisions may be very complex. The extracts are taken from 49 CFR §172.102. Please be careful with the information, as necessary, additional conditions may be applied that are not written here. Please check the original source and report bugs. 165 | These substances are susceptible to exothermic decomposition at elevated temperatures. Decomposition can be initiated by heat, moisture or by impurities (e.g., powdered metals (iron, manganese, cobalt, magnesium)). During the course of transportation, these substances must be shaded from direct sunlight and all sources of heat and be placed in adequately ventilated areas. Browse special provision 165 |
IB8 | Authorized IBCs: Metal (11A, 11B, 11N, 21A,
21B, 21N, 31A, 31B and 31N); Rigid plastics
(11H1, 11H2, 21H1, 21H2, 31H1 and 31H2 );
Composite (11HZ1, 11HZ2, 21HZ1, 21HZ2 and
31HZ1); Fiberboard (11G); Wooden (11C, 11D
and 11F); Flexible (13H1, 13H2, 13H3, 13H4,
13H5, 13L1, 13L2, 13L3, 13L4, 13M1 or 13M2). Browse special provision IB8 |
IP2 | When IBCs other than metal or rigid plastics
IBCs are used, they must be offered for
transportation in a closed freight container
or a closed transport vehicle. Browse special provision IP2 |
IP4 | Flexible, fiberboard or wooden IBCs must be
sift-proof and water-resistant or be fitted
with a sift-proof and water-resistant liner. Browse special provision IP4 |
IP13 | |
W9 | When offered for transportation by water, the following Specification packagings are not authorized unless approved by the Associate Administrator: woven plastic bags, plastic film bags, textile bags, paper bags, IBCs and bulk packagings. Browse special provision W9 |
(10A) Location | D Stowage category “D” means the material must be stowed “on deck only” on a cargo vessel or on a passenger vessel carrying a number of passengers limited to not more than the larger of 25 passengers or one passenger per each 3 m of overall vessel length, but the material is prohibited on a passenger vessel in which the limiting number of passengers is exceeded. Source: 49 CFR §172.101(k) |
(10B) Other | 4 | Stow “Separated from” liquid organic materials. | 25 | Protected from sources of heat | 52 | Stow “separated from” acids.1 2 | 56 | Stow “separated from” ammonium compounds. | 58 | Stow “separated from” cyanides. | 69 | Stow “separated from” hydrogen peroxide. | 142 | Packages in cargo transport units must be stowed so as to allow for adequate air circulation throughout the cargo. |
1For waste cyanides or waste cyanide mixtures or solutions, refer to §173.12(e) of this subchapter. 2 Class 8 materials in PG II or III that otherwise are required to be segregated from one another may be transported in the same cargo transport unit, whether in the same packaging or not, provided the substances do not react dangerously with each other to cause combustion and/or evolution of considerable heat, or of flammable, toxic or asphyxiant gases, or the formation of corrosive or unstable substances; and the package does not contain more than 30 L (7.8 gallons) for liquids or 30 kg (66 lbs.) for solids. Source: 49 CFR §176.84 |