Dichloroethyl sulfide

Data from the Hazardous Materials Table

Source: 49 CFR §172 (2018/07)

(3) Hazard Class

(4) Identification number Help


(5) Packing Group Help


(6) Labels Help


(7) Special Provisions (§172.102) Help

(8) Packing Authorizations (§173.***) Help

(8A) Exceptions n/asee 49 CFR §173. n/a
(8B) Non-bulk n/asee 49 CFR §173. n/a
(8C) Bulk n/asee 49 CFR §173. n/a

(9) Quantity Limits Help

(9A) Passenger aircraft/rail n/a
(9B) Cargo aircraft only n/a

(10) Vessel stowage Help

(10A) Location
(10B) Other n/a

Segregation Chart for Load, Transport, Storage

In this table a statement is contained for each hazard class whether the loading, transport or storage with other hazard classes is allowed, is not permitted or is restricted. The table is based on U.S.-Code 49 CFR §177.848.

Substances with similar name

UN-NumberNameHazard Class
UN 2683Ammonium sulfide solution8
Antimony sulfide, solid, see Antimony compounds, inorganic, n.o.s.
UN 1556Arsenic compounds, liquid, n.o.s. inorganic, including arsenates, n.o.s.; arsenites, n.o.s.; arsenic sulfides, n.o.s.; and organic compounds of arsenic, n.o.s6.1
UN 1557Arsenic compounds, solid, n.o.s. inorganic, including arsenates, n.o.s.; arsenites, n.o.s.; arsenic sulfides, n.o.s.; and organic compounds of arsenic, n.o.s6.1
Dichloroethyl sulfideForbidden
UN 2375Diethyl sulfide3
UN 2381Dimethyl disulfide3
UN 1164Dimethyl sulfide3
UN 0401Dipicryl sulfide, dry or wetted with less than 10 percent water, by mass1.1D
UN 2852Dipicryl sulfide, wetted with not less than 10 percent water, by mass4.1
Methyl sulfide, see Dimethyl sulfide
UN 1339Phosphorus heptasulfide, free from yellow or white phosphorus4.1
UN 1341Phosphorus sesquisulfide, free from yellow or white phosphorus4.1
UN 1343Phosphorus trisulfide, free from yellow or white phosphorus4.1
UN 1382Potassium sulfide, anhydrous or Potassium sulfide with less than 30 percent water of crystallization4.2
UN 1847Potassium sulfide, hydrated with not less than 30 percent water of crystallization8
UN 2318Sodium hydrosulfide, with less than 25 percent water of crystallization4.2
UN 2949Sodium hydrosulfide with not less than 25 percent water of crystallization8
UN 1385Sodium sulfide, anhydrous or Sodium sulfide with less than 30 percent water of crystallization4.2
UN 1849Sodium sulfide, hydrated with not less than 30 percent water8