Mercury based pesticides, liquid, flammable, toxic, flash point less than 23 degrees C

Emergency Response Guide No. 131

Data from the Hazardous Materials Table

Source: 49 CFR §172 (2018/07)

(3) Hazard Class

Flammable liquids

(4) Identification number Help

UN 2778

(5) Packing Group Help


(6) Labels Help

Flammable liquids (3) Poisonous liquids PG I Zone A (6.1) Cargo Aircraft Only (Cargo Aircraft Only)

(7) Special Provisions (§172.102) Help

Special provisions may be very complex. The extracts are taken from 49 CFR §172.102. Please be careful with the information, as necessary, additional conditions may be applied that are not written here. Please check the original source and report bugs.

(8) Packing Authorizations (§173.***) Help

(8A) ExceptionsNone
(8B) Non-bulk201see 49 CFR §173.201
(8C) Bulk243see 49 CFR §173.243

(9) Quantity Limits Help

(9A) Passenger aircraft/railForbidden
(9B) Cargo aircraft only30 L

(10) Vessel stowage Help

(10A) Location
(10B) Other

(3) Hazard Class

Flammable liquids

(4) Identification number Help

UN 2778

(5) Packing Group Help


(6) Labels Help

Flammable liquids (3) Poisonous liquids PG I Zone A (6.1)

(7) Special Provisions (§172.102) Help

Special provisions may be very complex. The extracts are taken from 49 CFR §172.102. Please be careful with the information, as necessary, additional conditions may be applied that are not written here. Please check the original source and report bugs.

(8) Packing Authorizations (§173.***) Help

(8A) Exceptions150see 49 CFR §173.150
(8B) Non-bulk202see 49 CFR §173.202
(8C) Bulk243see 49 CFR §173.243

(9) Quantity Limits Help

(9A) Passenger aircraft/rail1 L
(9B) Cargo aircraft only60 L

(10) Vessel stowage Help

(10A) Location
(10B) Other

Comparison View of Different Packing Groups

More than one packing group is indicated for this entry. Criteria for assignment see 49 CFR §173 Subpart D. You can find specific details in the tabs above. Differences are highlighted.

2Mercury based pesticides, liquid, flammable, toxic, flash point less than 23 degrees CMercury based pesticides, liquid, flammable, toxic, flash point less than 23 degrees C
4UN 2778UN 2778
63, 6.13, 6.1
7T14, TP2, TP13, TP27IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, TP27
9AForbidden1 L
9B30 L60 L

Segregation Chart for Load, Transport, Storage

In this table a statement is contained for each hazard class whether the loading, transport or storage with other hazard classes is allowed, is not permitted or is restricted. The table is based on U.S.-Code 49 CFR §177.848.

red May not be loaded, transported, or stored together in the same transport vehicle or storage facility.
green Load, transport, storage together is not restricted.
yellow Load, transport, storage together is allowed under restrictions.

Substances with similar name

UN-NumberNameHazard Class
UN 3048Aluminum phosphide pesticides6.1
UN 2776Copper based pesticides, liquid, flammable, toxic, flash point less than 23 degrees C3
UN 3010Copper based pesticides, liquid, toxic6.1
UN 3009Copper based pesticides, liquid, toxic, flammable, flash point not less than 23 degrees C6.1
UN 2775Copper based pesticides, solid, toxic6.1
UN 3026Coumarin derivative pesticides, liquid, toxic6.1
UN 3027Coumarin derivative pesticides, solid, toxic6.1
UN 2778Mercury based pesticides, liquid, flammable, toxic, flash point less than 23 degrees C3
UN 3012Mercury based pesticides, liquid, toxic6.1
UN 3011Mercury based pesticides, liquid, toxic, flammable, flash point not less than 23 degrees C6.1
UN 2996Organochlorine pesticides, liquid, toxic6.1
UN 2995Organochlorine pesticides, liquid, toxic, flammable, flash point not less than 23 degrees C6.1
UN 3018Organophosphorus pesticides, liquid, toxic6.1
UN 2783Organophosphorus pesticides, solid, toxic6.1
UN 2787Organotin pesticides, liquid, flammable, toxic, flash point less than 23 degrees C3
UN 3020Organotin pesticides, liquid, toxic6.1
UN 2786Organotin pesticides, solid, toxic6.1
UN 3021Pesticides, liquid, flammable, toxic, flash point less than 23 degrees C3
UN 2903Pesticides, liquid, toxic, flammable, n.o.s. flash point not less than 23 degrees C6.1
UN 2902Pesticides, liquid, toxic, n.o.s.6.1
UN 2588Pesticides, solid, toxic, n.o.s.6.1
UN 3348Phenoxyacetic acid derivative pesticide, liquid, toxic6.1
UN 3345Phenoxyacetic acid derivative pesticide, solid, toxic6.1
UN 3014Substituted nitrophenol pesticides, liquid, toxic6.1
UN 2764Triazine pesticides, liquid, flammable, toxic, flash point less than 23 degrees C3