Self-defense spray, non-pressurized

Emergency Response Guide No. !

Data from the Hazardous Materials Table

Source: 49 CFR §172 (2018/07)

(3) Hazard Class

Miscellaneous hazardous materials

(4) Identification number Help

NA 3334

(5) Packing Group Help


(6) Labels Help

Miscellaneous hazardous materials (9)

(1) Symbols Help

This entry is signed with plus (+). The plus (+) sign fixes the proper shipping name, hazard class and packing group for that entry without regard to whether the material meets the definition of that class, packing group or any other hazard class definition. When the plus sign is assigned, it means that the material is known to pose a risk to humans. When a plus sign is assigned to mixtures or solutions containing a material where the hazard to humans is significantly different from that of the pure material or where no hazard to humans is posed, the material may be described using an alternative shipping name that represents the hazards posed by the material. An appropriate alternate proper shipping name and hazard class may be authorized by the Associate Administrator.
This entry is signed with "A". The letter "A" denotes a material that is subject to the requirements of this subchapter only when offered or intended for transportation by aircraft, unless the material is a hazardous substance or a hazardous waste. A shipping description entry preceded by an "A" may be used to describe a material for other modes of transportation provided all applicable requirements for the entry are met.
This entry is signed with "D". The letter "D" identifies proper shipping names which are appropriate for describing materials for domestic transportation but may be inappropriate for international transportation under the provisions of international regulations (e.g., IMO, ICAO). An alternate proper shipping name may be selected when either domestic or international transportation is involved.

(7) Special Provisions (§172.102) Help

Special provisions may be very complex. The extracts are taken from 49 CFR §172.102. Please be careful with the information, as necessary, additional conditions may be applied that are not written here. Please check the original source and report bugs.

(8) Packing Authorizations (§173.***) Help

(8A) Exceptions155see 49 CFR §173.155
(8B) Non-bulk203see 49 CFR §173.203
(8C) BulkNone

(9) Quantity Limits Help

(9A) Passenger aircraft/railNo limit
(9B) Cargo aircraft onlyNo limit

(10) Vessel stowage Help

(10A) Location
(10B) Other n/a

Segregation Chart for Load, Transport, Storage

In this table a statement is contained for each hazard class whether the loading, transport or storage with other hazard classes is allowed, is not permitted or is restricted. The table is based on U.S.-Code 49 CFR §177.848.

No compatibility information for class 9 in 49 CFR §177.848 included.

There are no restrictions with hazardous materials, as pointed out in the instructions for using the Segregation Table (see 49 CFR §177.848(e)). But please, refer to following requirements in 49 CFR §177 Subpart B (Loading and Unloading):
  • §177.834 - General requirements
  • §177.835 - Class 1 materials
  • §177.837 - Class 3 materials
  • §177.838 - Class 4 (flammable solid) materials, Class 5 (oxidizing) materials, and Division 4.2 (pyroforic liquid) materials.
  • §177.839 - Class 8 (corrosive) materials
  • §177.840 - Class 2 (gases) materials
  • §177.841 - Division 6.1 and Division 2.3 materials
  • §177.842 - Class 7 (radioactive) material
  • §177.843 - Contamination of vehicles.