alpha-Methylbenzyl alcohol, solid

Emergency Response Guide No. 153

Data from the Hazardous Materials Table

Source: 49 CFR §172 (2018/07)

(3) Hazard Class

Poisonous Material

(4) Identification number Help

UN 3438

(5) Packing Group Help


(6) Labels Help

Poisonous liquids PG I Zone A (6.1)

(7) Special Provisions (§172.102) Help

Special provisions may be very complex. The extracts are taken from 49 CFR §172.102. Please be careful with the information, as necessary, additional conditions may be applied that are not written here. Please check the original source and report bugs.

(8) Packing Authorizations (§173.***) Help

(8A) Exceptions153see 49 CFR §173.153
(8B) Non-bulk213see 49 CFR §173.213
(8C) Bulk240see 49 CFR §173.240

(9) Quantity Limits Help

(9A) Passenger aircraft/rail100 kg
(9B) Cargo aircraft only200 kg

(10) Vessel stowage Help

(10A) Location
(10B) Other n/a

Segregation Chart for Load, Transport, Storage

In this table a statement is contained for each hazard class whether the loading, transport or storage with other hazard classes is allowed, is not permitted or is restricted. The table is based on U.S.-Code 49 CFR §177.848.

There are no restrictions with hazardous materials, as pointed out in the instructions for using the Segregation Table (see 49 CFR §177.848(e)). But please, refer to following requirements in 49 CFR §177 Subpart B (Loading and Unloading):
  • §177.834 - General requirements
  • §177.835 - Class 1 materials
  • §177.837 - Class 3 materials
  • §177.838 - Class 4 (flammable solid) materials, Class 5 (oxidizing) materials, and Division 4.2 (pyroforic liquid) materials.
  • §177.839 - Class 8 (corrosive) materials
  • §177.840 - Class 2 (gases) materials
  • §177.841 - Division 6.1 and Division 2.3 materials
  • §177.842 - Class 7 (radioactive) material
  • §177.843 - Contamination of vehicles.

Substances with similar name

UN-NumberNameHazard Class
UN 3065Alcoholic beverages3
UN 3206Alkali metal alcoholates, self-heating, corrosive, n.o.s4.2
UN 3205Alkaline earth metal alcoholates, n.o.s4.2
UN 1098Allyl alcohol6.1
UN 3438alpha-Methylbenzyl alcohol, solid6.1
NA 1987Denatured alcohol3
UN 0074Diazodinitrophenol, wetted with not less than 40 percent water or mixture of alcohol and water, by mass1.1A
UN 1170Ethanol or Ethyl alcohol or Ethanol solutions or Ethyl alcohol solutions3
Ethyl alcohol, see Ethanol
UN 2874Furfuryl alcohol6.1
UN 1203Gasoline includes gasoline mixed with ethyl alcohol, with not more than 10% alcohol3
UN 3294Hydrogen cyanide, solution in alcohol with not more than 45 percent hydrogen cyanide6.1
UN 1212Isobutanol or Isobutyl alcohol3
Isobutyl alcohol, see Isobutanol
Isopropyl alcohol, see Isopropanol
UN 0129Lead azide, wetted with not less than 20 percent water or mixture of alcohol and water, by mass1.1A
UN 1274n-Propanol or Propyl alcohol, normal3
UN 0340Nitrocellulose, dry or wetted with less than 25 percent water (or alcohol), by mass1.1D
UN 0342Nitrocellulose, wetted with not less than 25 percent alcohol, by mass1.3C
UN 3064Nitroglycerin, solution in alcohol, with more than 1 percent but not more than 5 percent nitroglycerin3
UN 1204Nitroglycerin solution in alcohol with not more than 1 percent nitroglycerin3
UN 0433Powder cake, wetted or Powder paste, wetted with not less than 17 percent alcohol by mass1.1C
UN 1289Sodium methylate solutions in alcohol3
UN 0394Trinitroresorcinol, wetted or Styphnic acid, wetted with not less than 20 percent water, or mixture of alcohol and water by mass1.1D
UN 0219Trinitroresorcinol or Styphnic acid, dry or wetted with less than 20 percent water, or mixture of alcohol and water, by mass1.1D