49 CFR 172 Special Provision A112 (A-Codes)

These provisions apply only to transportation by aircraft.
DescriptionNotwithstanding the quantity limits shown in Column (9A) and (9B) for this entry, the following IBCs are authorized for transportation aboard passenger and cargo-only aircraft. Each IBC may not exceed a maximum net quantity of 1,000 kg:
  • a. Metal: 11A, 11B, 11N, 21A, 21B and 21N
  • b. Rigid plastics: 11H1, 11H2, 21H1 and 21H2
  • c. Composite with plastic inner receptacle: 11HZ1, 11HZ2, 21HZ1 and 21HZ2
  • d. Fiberboard: 11G
  • e. Wooden: 11C, 11D and 11F (with inner liners)
  • f. Flexible: 13H2, 13H3, 13H4, 13H5, 13L2, 13L3, 13L4, 13M1 and 13M2 (flexible IBCs must be sift-proof and water resistant or must be fitted with a sift-proof and water resistant liner).
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