Sulfuric acid, fuming with less than 30 percent free sulfur trioxide

Sulfuric acid (American spelling and the preferred IUPAC name) or sulphuric acid (Commonwealth spelling), known in antiquity as oil of vitriol, is a mineral acid composed of the elements sulfur, oxygen, and hydrogen, with the molecular formula H2SO4. It is a colorless, odorless, and viscous liquid that is soluble with water. Pure sulfuric acid does not occur naturally due to its strong affinity to water vapor; it is hygroscopic and readily absorbs water vapor from the air. Concentrated sulfuric acid is highly corrosive towards other materials, from rocks to metals, since it is an oxidant with powerful dehydrating properties. Phosphorus pentoxide is a notable exception in that it is not dehydrated by sulfuric acid but, to the contrary, dehydrates sulfuric acid to sulfur trioxide. Wikipedia

Substance Data

Source: TOXNET



Flash Point


Boiling Point


Emergency Response Guide No. 137

Data from the Hazardous Materials Table

Source: 49 CFR §172 (2018/07)

(3) Hazard Class

Corrosive liquids

(4) Identification number Help

UN 1831

(5) Packing Group Help


(6) Labels Help

Corrosive liquids (8) Cargo Aircraft Only (Cargo Aircraft Only)

(7) Special Provisions (§172.102) Help

Special provisions may be very complex. The extracts are taken from 49 CFR §172.102. Please be careful with the information, as necessary, additional conditions may be applied that are not written here. Please check the original source and report bugs.

(8) Packing Authorizations (§173.***) Help

(8A) ExceptionsNone
(8B) Non-bulk201see 49 CFR §173.201
(8C) Bulk243see 49 CFR §173.243

(9) Quantity Limits Help

(9A) Passenger aircraft/railForbidden
(9B) Cargo aircraft only2.5 L

(10) Vessel stowage Help

(10A) Location
(10B) Other

Segregation Chart for Load, Transport, Storage

In this table a statement is contained for each hazard class whether the loading, transport or storage with other hazard classes is allowed, is not permitted or is restricted. The table is based on U.S.-Code 49 CFR §177.848.

red May not be loaded, transported, or stored together in the same transport vehicle or storage facility.
green Load, transport, storage together is not restricted.
yellow Load, transport, storage together is allowed under restrictions.