Index of Hazardous Materials

CAS/UN/NA-NumberNameHazard Class
UN 1572
CAS 75-60-5
Cacodylic acid6.1
UN 2570
CAS 10108-64-2
Cadmium compounds6.1
UN 2682Caesium hydroxide8
UN 2681Caesium hydroxide solution8
UN 1401Calcium4.3
UN 1573
CAS 7778-44-1
Calcium arsenate6.1
UN 1574Calcium arsenate and calcium arsenite, mixtures, solid6.1
Calcium bisulfite solution, see Bisulfites, aqueous solutions, n.o.s.
UN 1402
CAS 75-20-7
Calcium carbide4.3
UN 1452
CAS 10137-74-3
Calcium chlorate5.1
UN 2429
CAS 10137-74-3
Calcium chlorate aqueous solution5.1
UN 1453Calcium chlorite5.1
UN 1403
CAS 156-62-7
Calcium cyanamide with more than 0.1 percent of calcium carbide4.3
UN 1575
CAS 592-01-8
Calcium cyanide6.1
UN 1923Calcium dithionite or Calcium hydrosulfite4.2
UN 1404Calcium hydride4.3
Calcium hydrosulfite, see Calcium dithionite
UN 3486Calcium hypochlorite mixture, dry, corrosive with more than 10% but not more than 39% available chlorine5.1
UN 2208
CAS 7778-54-3
Calcium hypochlorite mixture, dry, with more than 10% but not more than 39% available chlorine5.1
UN 1748
CAS 7778-54-3
Calcium hypochlorite, dry or Calcium hypochlorite mixture dry with more than 39% available chlorine (8.8% available oxygen)5.1
UN 3485
CAS 7778-54-3
Calcium hypochlorite, dry, corrosive or Calcium hypochlorite mixture, dry, corrosive with more than 39% available chlorine (8.8% available oxygen)5.1
UN 2880
CAS 7778-54-3
Calcium hypochlorite, hydrated or Calcium hypochlorite, hydrated mixture, with not less than 5.5% but not more than 16% water5.1
UN 3487
CAS 7778-54-3
Calcium hypochlorite, hydrated, corrosive or Calcium hypochlorite, hydrated mixture, corrosive with not less than 5.5% but not more than 16% water5.1
UN 2844Calcium manganese silicon4.3
UN 1454
CAS 10124-37-5
Calcium nitrate5.1
UN 1910
CAS 1305-78-8
Calcium oxide8
UN 1455Calcium perchlorate5.1
UN 1456
CAS 10118-76-0
Calcium permanganate5.1
UN 1457
CAS 1305-79-9
Calcium peroxide5.1
UN 1360
CAS 1305-99-3
Calcium phosphide4.3
UN 1313Calcium resinate4.1
UN 1314Calcium resinate, fused4.1
Calcium selenate, see Selenates or Selenites
UN 1405Calcium silicide4.3
UN 1855Calcium, pyrophoric or Calcium alloys, pyrophoric4.2
UN 1130Camphor oil3
UN 2717Camphor, synthetic4.1
Cannon primers, see Primers, tubular
UN 3508Capacitor, asymmetric with an energy storage capacity greater than 0.3 Wh9
UN 3499Capacitor, electric double layer with an energy storage capacity greater than 0.3 Wh9
UN 2829
CAS 142-62-1
Caproic acid8
Caps, blasting, see Detonators, etc
UN 2758
CAS 101-21-3
Carbamate pesticides, liquid, flammable, toxic, flash point less than 23 degrees C3
UN 2992
CAS 101-21-3
Carbamate pesticides, liquid, toxic6.1
UN 2991
CAS 101-21-3
Carbamate pesticides, liquid, toxic, flammable, flash point not less than 23 degrees C6.1
UN 2757
CAS 101-21-3
Carbamate pesticides, solid, toxic6.1
Carbolic acid solutions, see Phenol solutions
Carbolic acid, see Phenol, solid or Phenol, molten
Carbon bisulfide, see Carbon disulfide
UN 1013
CAS 124-38-9
Carbon dioxide2.2
UN 2187
CAS 124-38-9
Carbon dioxide, refrigerated liquid2.2
UN 1845
CAS 124-38-9
Carbon dioxide, solid or Dry ice9
UN 1131
CAS 75-15-0
Carbon disulfide3
UN 1016
CAS 630-08-0
Carbon monoxide, compressed2.3
NA 9202
CAS 630-08-0
Carbon monoxide, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic liquid)2.3
UN 2516
CAS 558-13-4
Carbon tetrabromide6.1
UN 1846Carbon tetrachloride6.1
UN 1362
CAS 7440-44-0
Carbon, activated4.2
UN 1361
CAS 1333-86-4
Carbon, animal or vegetable origin4.2
Carbonyl chloride, see Phosgene
UN 2417
CAS 353-50-4
Carbonyl fluoride2.3
UN 2204
CAS 463-58-1
Carbonyl sulfide2.3
Cartridge cases, empty primed, see Cases, cartridge, empty, with primer
UN 0413Cartridges for weapons, blank1.2C
UN 0327Cartridges for weapons, blank or Cartridges, small arms, blank1.3C
UN 0014Cartridges for weapons, blank or Cartridges, small arms, blank or Cartridges for tools, blank1.4S
UN 0328Cartridges for weapons, inert projectile1.2C
UN 0012Cartridges for weapons, inert projectile or Cartridges, small arms1.4S
UN 0007Cartridges for weapons, with bursting charge1.2F
Cartridges power device (used to project fastening devices)ORM-D
Cartridges, actuating, for aircraft ejector seat catapult, fire extinguisher, canopy removal or apparatus, see Cartridges, power device
Cartridges, explosive, see Charges, demolition
UN 0049Cartridges, flash1.1G
UN 0277Cartridges, oil well1.3C
UN 0275Cartridges, power device1.3C
Cartridges, safety, blank, see Cartridges for weapons, blank (UN 0014)
Cartridges, safety, see Cartriges for weapons, inert projectile, or Cartridges, small arms or Cartridges, power device (UN 0323)
UN 0312Cartridges, signal1.4G
Cartridges, small armsORM-D
Cartridges, sporting, see Cartridges for weapons, inert projectile, or Cartridges, small arms
Cartridges, starter, jet engine, see Cartridges, power device
UN 0055Cases, cartridge, empty with primer1.4S
UN 0379Cases, cartridges, empty with primer1.4C
UN 0446Cases, combustible, empty, without primer1.4C
Casinghead gasoline see Gasoline
UN 2969Castor beans or Castor meal or Castor pomace or Castor flake9
UN 1719Caustic alkali liquids, n.o.s.8
Caustic potash, see Potassium hydroxide etc
Caustic soda, (etc.) see Sodium hydroxide etc
UN 3292Cells, containing sodium4.3
UN 2000Celluloid, in block, rods, rolls, sheets, tubes, etc., except scrap4.1
UN 2002Celluloid, scrap4.2
Cement, see Adhesives containing flammable liquid
UN 1333Cerium, slabs, ingots, or rods4.1
UN 3078Cerium, turnings or gritty powder4.3
UN 1451Cesium nitrate or Caesium nitrate5.1
UN 1407
CAS 7440-46-2
Cesium or Caesium4.3
NA 1361
CAS 1333-86-4
Charcoal briquettes, shell, screenings, wood, etc.4.2
UN 0457Charges, bursting, plastics bonded1.1D
UN 0048Charges, demolition1.1D
UN 0056Charges, depth1.1D
Charges, expelling, explosive, for fire extinguishers, see Cartridges, power device
UN 0443Charges, explosive, commercial without detonator1.2D
UN 0271Charges, propelling1.1C
UN 0242Charges, propelling, for cannon1.3C
UN 0237Charges, shaped, flexible, linear1.4D
UN 0440Charges, shaped, without detonator1.4D
UN 0060Charges, supplementary explosive1.1D
NA 1760Chemical kit8
UN 3316Chemical kits9
UN 3503Chemical under pressure, corrosive, n.o.s2.2
UN 3505Chemical under pressure, flammable, corrosive, n.o.s2.1
UN 3501Chemical under pressure, flammable, n.o.s2.1
UN 3504Chemical under pressure, flammable, toxic, n.o.s2.1
UN 3500Chemical under pressure, n.o.s2.2
UN 3502Chemical under pressure, toxic, n.o.s2.2
UN 2075Chloral, anhydrous, stabilized6.1
UN 1458Chlorate and borate mixtures5.1
UN 1459Chlorate and magnesium chloride mixture solid5.1
UN 3407Chlorate and magnesium chloride mixture solution5.1
Chlorate of potash, see Potassium chlorate
Chlorate of soda, see Sodium chlorate
UN 3210Chlorates, inorganic, aqueous solution, n.o.s5.1
UN 1461Chlorates, inorganic, n.o.s5.1
UN 2626Chloric acid aqueous solution, with not more than 10 percent chloric acid5.1
Chloride of phosphorus, see Phosphorus trichloride
Chloride of sulfur, see Sulfur chloride
Chlorinated lime, see Calcium hypochlorite mixtures, etc
UN 1017
CAS 7782-50-5
Chlorine azideForbidden
Chlorine dioxide (not hydrate)Forbidden
NA 9191
CAS 10049-04-4
Chlorine dioxide, hydrate, frozen5.1
UN 2548Chlorine pentafluoride2.3
UN 1749
CAS 7790-91-2
Chlorine trifluoride2.3
UN 3520Chlorine, adsorbed2.3
UN 1908
CAS 7758-19-2
Chlorite solution8
UN 1462Chlorites, inorganic, n.o.s5.1
UN 3250
CAS 79-11-8
Chloroacetic acid, molten6.1
UN 1751
CAS 79-11-8
Chloroacetic acid, solid6.1
UN 1750
CAS 79-11-8
Chloroacetic acid, solution6.1
Chloroacetone (unstabilized)Forbidden
UN 1695
CAS 78-95-5
Chloroacetone, stabilized6.1
UN 2668
CAS 107-14-2
UN 3416
CAS 532-27-4
Chloroacetophenone, liquid, (CN)6.1
UN 1697
CAS 532-27-4
Chloroacetophenone, solid, (CN)6.1
UN 1752
CAS 79-04-9
Chloroacetyl chloride6.1
UN 2019
CAS 106-47-8
Chloroanilines, liquid6.1
UN 2018
CAS 106-47-8
Chloroanilines, solid6.1
UN 2233Chloroanisidines6.1
UN 1134
CAS 108-90-7
Chlorobenzol, see Chlorobenzene
UN 2234
CAS 98-56-6
UN 2235
CAS 104-83-6
Chlorobenzyl chlorides, liquid6.1
UN 3427Chlorobenzyl chlorides, solid6.1
UN 1127
CAS 109-69-3
UN 2669Chlorocresols solution6.1
UN 3437Chlorocresols, solid6.1
UN 1974
CAS 353-59-3
Chlorodifluorobromomethane or Refrigerant gas R 12B12.2
UN 1973Chlorodifluoromethane and chloropentafluoroethane mixture or Refrigerant gas R 502 with fixed boiling point, with approximately 49 percent chlorodifluoromethane2.2
UN 1018
CAS 75-45-6
Chlorodifluoromethane or Refrigerant gas R 222.2
UN 1577
CAS 606-21-3
Chlorodinitrobenzenes, liquid.6.1
UN 3441Chlorodinitrobenzenes, solid6.1
UN 1888
CAS 67-66-3
UN 2742Chloroformates, toxic, corrosive, flammable, n.o.s.6.1
UN 3277Chloroformates, toxic, corrosive, n.o.s.6.1
UN 2745Chloromethyl chloroformate6.1
UN 2354Chloromethyl ethyl ether3
UN 2237
CAS 6283-25-6
UN 3409Chloronitrobenzenes, liquid6.1
UN 1578
CAS 100-00-5
Chloronitrobenzenes, solid6.1
UN 2433
CAS 121-86-8
Chloronitrotoluenes, liquid6.1
UN 3457Chloronitrotoluenes, solid6.1
UN 1020
CAS 76-15-3
Chloropentafluoroethane or Refrigerant gas R 1152.2
UN 2904Chlorophenolates, liquid or Phenolates, liquid8
UN 2905Chlorophenolates, solid or Phenolates, solid8
UN 2021
CAS 106-48-9
Chlorophenols, liquid6.1
UN 2020
CAS 120-83-2
Chlorophenols, solid6.1
UN 1753Chlorophenyltrichlorosilane8
UN 1580
CAS 76-06-2
UN 1581Chloropicrin and methyl bromide mixtures2.3
UN 1582Chloropicrin and methyl chloride mixtures2.3
Chloropicrin mixture, flammable (pressure not exceeding 14.7 psia at 115 degrees F flash point below 100 degrees F) see Toxic liquids, flammable, etc
UN 1583Chloropicrin mixtures, n.o.s6.1
NA 9263Chloropivaloyl chloride6.1
UN 2507Chloroplatinic acid, solid8
UN 1991
CAS 126-99-8
Chloroprene, stabilized3
Chloroprene, uninhibitedForbidden
UN 2986Chlorosilanes, corrosive, flammable, n.o.s8
UN 2987Chlorosilanes, corrosive, n.o.s8
UN 2985Chlorosilanes, flammable, corrosive, n.o.s3
UN 3362Chlorosilanes, toxic, corrosive, flammable, n.o.s6.1
UN 3361Chlorosilanes, toxic, corrosive, n.o.s6.1
UN 2988Chlorosilanes, water-reactive, flammable, corrosive, n.o.s4.3
UN 1754
CAS 7790-94-5
Chlorosulfonic acid (with or without sulfur trioxide)8
UN 2238
CAS 106-43-4
UN 3429
CAS 95-74-9
Chlorotoluidines, liquid6.1
UN 2239
CAS 95-74-9
Chlorotoluidines, solid6.1
UN 2599Chlorotrifluoromethane and trifluoromethane azeotropic mixture or Refrigerant gas R 503 with approximately 60 percent chlorotrifluoromethane2.2
UN 1022
CAS 75-72-9
Chlorotrifluoromethane or Refrigerant gas R 132.2
UN 1755
CAS 7738-94-5
Chromic acid solution8
Chromic anhydride, see Chromium trioxide, anhydrous
UN 1756Chromic fluoride, solid8
UN 1757Chromic fluoride, solution8
UN 2720Chromium nitrate5.1
UN 1758
CAS 14977-61-8
Chromium oxychloride8
UN 1463
CAS 1333-82-0
Chromium trioxide, anhydrous5.1
UN 2240Chromosulfuric acid8
Chromyl chloride, see Chromium oxychloride
Cigar and cigarette lighters, charged with fuel, see Lighters or Lighter refills containing flammable gas.
Coal briquettes, hotForbidden
UN 1023Coal gas, compressed2.3
UN 1136
CAS 8001-58-9
Coal tar distillates, flammable3
Coal tar dye, corrosive, liquid, n.o.s, see Dyes, liquid or solid, n.o.s. or Dye intermediates, liquid or solid, corrosive, n.o.s.
UN 1139Coating solution (includes surface treatments or coatings used for industrial or other purposes such as vehicle undercoating, drum or barrel lining)3
UN 2001Cobalt naphthenates, powder4.1
UN 1318Cobalt resinate, precipitated4.1
Coke, hotForbidden
Collodion, see Nitrocellulose etc
NA 1993Combustible liquid, n.o.s.Comb liq
UN 0382Components, explosive train, n.o.s.1.2B
Composition B, see Hexolite, etc
NA 1760Compounds, cleaning liquid8
NA 1993Compounds, tree killing, liquid or Compounds, weed killing, liquid3
UN 1954Compressed gas, flammable, n.o.s.2.1
UN 1956Compressed gas, n.o.s2.2
UN 3156Compressed gas, oxidizing, n.o.s.2.2
UN 3304Compressed gas, toxic, corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone A2.3
UN 3304Compressed gas, toxic, corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone B2.3
UN 3304Compressed gas, toxic, corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone C2.3
UN 3304Compressed gas, toxic, corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone D2.3
UN 3305Compressed gas, toxic, flammable, corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone A2.3
UN 3305Compressed gas, toxic, flammable, corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone B2.3
UN 3305Compressed gas, toxic, flammable, corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone C2.3
UN 3305Compressed gas, toxic, flammable, corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone D2.3
UN 1953Compressed gas, toxic, flammable, n.o.s. Inhalation hazard Zone A2.3
UN 1953Compressed gas, toxic, flammable, n.o.s. Inhalation hazard Zone B2.3
UN 1953Compressed gas, toxic, flammable, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone C2.3
UN 1953Compressed gas, toxic, flammable, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone D2.3
UN 1955Compressed gas, toxic, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone A2.3
UN 1955Compressed gas, toxic, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone B2.3
UN 1955Compressed gas, toxic, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone C2.3
UN 1955Compressed gas, toxic, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone D2.3
UN 3306Compressed gas, toxic, oxdizing, corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone A2.3
UN 3306Compressed gas, toxic, oxidizing, corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone B2.3
UN 3306Compressed gas, toxic, oxidizing, corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone C2.3
UN 3306Compressed gas, toxic, oxidizing, corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone D2.3
UN 3303Compressed gas, toxic, oxidizing, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone A2.3
UN 3303Compressed gas, toxic, oxidizing, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone B2.3
UN 3303Compressed gas, toxic, oxidizing, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone C2.3
UN 3303Compressed gas, toxic, oxidizing, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone D2.3
Consumer commodityORM-D
UN 0248Contrivances, water-activated, with burster, expelling charge or propelling charge1.2L
UN 1585
CAS 12002-03-8
Copper acetoarsenite6.1
Copper acetylideForbidden
Copper amine azideForbidden
UN 1586
CAS 10290-12-7
Copper arsenite6.1
UN 2776
CAS 1317-38-0
Copper based pesticides, liquid, flammable, toxic, flash point less than 23 degrees C3
UN 3010
CAS 1317-38-0
Copper based pesticides, liquid, toxic6.1
UN 3009
CAS 1317-38-0
Copper based pesticides, liquid, toxic, flammable, flash point not less than 23 degrees C6.1
UN 2775
CAS 1317-38-0
Copper based pesticides, solid, toxic6.1
UN 2721Copper chlorate5.1
UN 2802
CAS 7447-39-4
Copper chloride8
UN 1587
CAS 544-92-3
Copper cyanide6.1
Copper selenate, see Selenates or Selenites
Copper selenite, see Selenates or Selenites
Copper tetramine nitrateForbidden
UN 1363Copra4.2
UN 0102Cord detonating or Fuse detonating metal clad1.2D
UN 0290Cord, detonating or Fuse, detonating metal clad1.1D
UN 0065Cord, detonating, flexible1.1D
UN 0104Cord, detonating, mild effect or Fuse, detonating, mild effect metal clad1.4D
UN 0066Cord, igniter1.4G
Cordeau detonant fuse, see Cord, detonating, etc; Cord, detonating, flexible
Cordite, see Powder, smokeless
UN 3264Corrosive liquid, acidic, inorganic, n.o.s8
UN 3265Corrosive liquid, acidic, organic, n.o.s8
UN 3266Corrosive liquid, basic, inorganic, n.o.s8
UN 3267Corrosive liquid, basic, organic, n.o.s.8
UN 3301Corrosive liquid, self-heating, n.o.s.8
UN 2920Corrosive liquids, flammable, n.o.s.8
UN 1760Corrosive liquids, n.o.s.8
UN 3093Corrosive liquids, oxidizing, n.o.s.8
UN 2922Corrosive liquids, toxic, n.o.s.8
UN 3094Corrosive liquids, water-reactive, n.o.s8
UN 3260Corrosive solid, acidic, inorganic, n.o.s.8
UN 3261Corrosive solid, acidic, organic, n.o.s.8
UN 3262Corrosive solid, basic, inorganic, n.o.s.8
UN 3263Corrosive solid, basic, organic, n.o.s.8
UN 2921Corrosive solids, flammable, n.o.s.8
UN 1759Corrosive solids, n.o.s.8
UN 3084Corrosive solids, oxidizing, n.o.s.8
UN 3095Corrosive solids, self-heating, n.o.s.8
UN 2923Corrosive solids, toxic, n.o.s8
UN 3096Corrosive solids, water-reactive, n.o.s8
NA 1365Cotton9
UN 1364Cotton waste, oily4.2
UN 1365Cotton, wet4.2
UN 3024
CAS 28772-56-7
Coumarin derivative pesticides, liquid, flammable, toxic, flash point less than 23 degrees C3
UN 3026
CAS 28772-56-7
Coumarin derivative pesticides, liquid, toxic6.1
UN 3025
CAS 28772-56-7
Coumarin derivative pesticides, liquid, toxic, flammable, flash point not less than 23 degrees C6.1
UN 3027
CAS 28772-56-7
Coumarin derivative pesticides, solid, toxic6.1
UN 2076
CAS 106-44-5
Cresols, liquid6.1
UN 3455
CAS 106-44-5
Cresols, solid6.1
UN 2022Cresylic acid6.1
UN 1143
CAS 123-73-9
Crotonaldehyde or Crotonaldehyde, stabilized6.1
UN 3472Crotonic acid, liquid8
UN 2823
CAS 3724-65-0
Crotonic acid, solid8
UN 1144Crotonylene3
UN 1761Cupriethylenediamine solution8
UN 0070Cutters, cable, explosive1.4S
Cyanide or cyanide mixtures, dry, see Cyanides, inorganic, solid, n.o.s.
UN 1935Cyanide solutions, n.o.s.6.1
UN 1588Cyanides, inorganic, solid, n.o.s.6.1
UN 1026
CAS 460-19-5
UN 1889
CAS 506-68-3
Cyanogen bromide6.1
UN 1589
CAS 506-77-4
Cyanogen chloride, stabilized2.3
UN 2670
CAS 108-77-0
Cyanuric chloride8
Cyanuric triazideForbidden
UN 2601
CAS 287-23-0
UN 2744Cyclobutyl chloroformate6.1
UN 2241
CAS 291-64-5
UN 2603Cycloheptatriene3
UN 2242Cycloheptene3
UN 1145
CAS 110-82-7
UN 1915
CAS 108-94-1
UN 2256
CAS 110-83-8
UN 1762
CAS 10137-69-6
UN 2243
CAS 622-45-7
Cyclohexyl acetate3
UN 2488Cyclohexyl isocyanate6.1
UN 3054
CAS 1569-69-3
Cyclohexyl mercaptan3
UN 2357
CAS 108-91-8
UN 1763Cyclohexyltrichlorosilane8
Cyclonite and cyclotetramethylenetetranitramine mixtures, wetted or desensitized see RDX and HMX mixtures, wetted or desensitized etc
Cyclonite and HMX mixtures, wetted or desensitized see RDX and HMX mixtures, wetted or desensitized etc
Cyclonite and octogen mixtures, wetted or desensitized see RDX and HMX mixtures, wetted or desensitized etc
Cyclonite, see Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine, etc
Cyclooctadiene phosphines, see 9-Phosphabicyclononanes
UN 2520Cyclooctadienes3
UN 2358Cyclooctatetraene3
UN 1146
CAS 287-92-3
Cyclopentane, methyl, see Methylcyclopentane
UN 2244
CAS 96-41-3
UN 2245
CAS 120-92-3
UN 2246Cyclopentene3
UN 1027
CAS 75-19-4
Cyclotetramethylene tetranitramine (dry or unphlegmatized) (HMX)Forbidden
UN 0484Cyclotetramethylenetetranitramine, desensitized or Octogen, desensitized or HMX, desensitized1.1D
UN 0226Cyclotetramethylenetetranitramine, wetted or HMX, wetted or Octogen, wetted with not less than 15 percent water, by mass1.1D
Cyclotrimethylenenitramine and octogen, mixtures, wetted or desensitized see RDX and HMX mixtures, wetted or desensitized, etc
Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine and cyclotetramethylenetetranitramine mixtures, wetted or desensitized see RDX and HMX mixtures, wetted or desensitized etc
Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine and HMX mixtures, wetted or desensitized see RDX and HMX mixtures, wetted or desensitized etc
UN 0483
CAS 121-82-4
Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine, desensitized or Cyclonite, desensitized or Hexogen, desensitized or RDX, desensitized1.1D
UN 0072
CAS 121-82-4
Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine, wetted or Cyclonite, wetted or Hexogen, wetted or RDX, wetted with not less than 15 percent water by mass1.1D
UN 2046
CAS 99-87-6